bailey jack

My professional name is bailey jack. I spell it all lower case. I loved e.e. cummings’ signature and I developed my signature the same way. I was born and raised in Atlanta. I am a Southerner that does not drink sweet tea but have fond memories of a good inch of white sugar in the bottom of my tea glass as a child on hot and humid summer days. 

When using the left side of my brain I actually had a good corporate career. Paychecks and raises and all that goodness was necessary in my younger life. Becoming my own boss and having my own business was neither a plan nor a thought. After meeting a Life Coach, I became open to the idea that it was time to get real about living a life; not earning a living.  Can’t say I’ve done everything successfully, but I can say I’ve learned and earned the right to state that I am a grateful artist. You cannot imagine what it does to me when one of my paintings sell and goes into someone’s home--into someone’s life--into the hearts of total strangers. It’s a pleasure to witness this appreciation.

As a self-taught artist, my style isn’t easily detected. I paint only what I have a passion about or an interest in, and then I’ll research a bit, and when I’m into creating it I do not think about sales or success or money. I enjoy feeling a bit uncomfortable as I begin a new subject matter. The unease settles me into focusing on the painting. My influences are/were Peter Max, Bonnard, Van Gogh, Sergey Cherep, Monet, Theresa Disney, Penley , Nicole Brink, and Gauguin. 
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