Karina Hatcher

Karina is an Argentine-American multi-disciplinary artist with a background in Fine Arts, Creative Writing, Expressive Arts Therapies, and Mindful movement.

Working in the film industry helped hone her storytelling skills, which inspire and are the core of everything she does: her visual art pieces, the short stories she writes, her community work through the healing arts and literacy advocacy.

The arts empower us because they heal, they help us connect with strength, compassion, and dignity. Through her artwork and the art-based programs she offers, her dream is to inspire people to protect and embrace our common humanity, creating and re-creating narratives: one memory, one story at a time.


"I approach my work in the same way I approach life: like a constant dance, seeking for balance and harmony, drawn into contemplation and back to explore the outer world, from stillness into action."

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